Respect Life
Respect Life Resources
Indiana Right to Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the God-given Right to Life. We seek to educate the public on the issues of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia and to move our culture back to a respect for human life, including unborn children. We are a state-level affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee. We believe every human life is valuable, from the moment of fertilization, because every human life is created in the image of God (Psalm 139).
Walking with Moms in Need is a national initiative of the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops to help parishes and communities better support and accompany pregnant and parenting women. This initiative is in response to Pope Francis's challenge to go to the margins, bring hope, and serve those in need.
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis invites and encourages parishes to assess, expand, and communicate the resources in their local communities that support moms in need. We hope that every pregnant and parenting woman knows that she is not alone, she is worthy of love and support, and she is a gift to our community.
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis invites and encourages parishes to assess, expand, and communicate the resources in their local communities that support moms in need. We hope that every pregnant and parenting woman knows that she is not alone, she is worthy of love and support, and she is a gift to our community.