Liturgical Ministries
Participation in the liturgy is the right and duty of all the baptized.
- Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
What are the liturgical ministries?
Are you interested in volunteering at Mass? Parishioners are able to take part in the liturgy in the following ministries: sacristan, greeter, gift bearer, altar server, lector, extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, musician/cantor, usher, & Rosary leader. Some ministries require specific training, while others just require that you sign up.
How do I sign up?
Please complete our Liturgical Ministries Sign-Up or email Jessica Sarver at We host in-person liturgical ministries sign-ups each year in August and will offer training for specific ministries in September.
Liturgical Ministries Brochure
For more information on each ministry, download a copy of our Liturgical Ministries Brochure.